How do I wash my car after Ceramic Coating?

How do I wash my car after Ceramic Coating?

Ceramic Coating is one of the best long term investments you can do to your car or motorcycle. If your looking for how to wash a ceramic coated car you've came to the right place. Here at Aegis Armors we specialize in ceramic coatings. If you have any questions about how to wash your ceramic car or anything else please contact us!

Tips for Maintaining Your Ceramic Coating.

  • Do not wash your cars for 7 days after ceramic coating application.
  • Ceramic Coating takes a little to cure and provide the necessary paint protection. Ceramic is an investment and we don't want to wash it all down the drain. You should wait a week after application to help the ceramic coating cure.
  • Wash your car
  • Adding a protective layer to your car doesn't mean it can't get dirty. It still requires washing, just not as often.

  • Wash your car every one to two weeks
  • As your drive your ceramic coated vehicle, its hydrophobicity makes it hard for water-based dirt and smudges to stick on it. However, dirt pebbles, and other small materials get embedded into the ceramic coating. Without washing these materials will chip away at the ceramic coating.

  • Use dedicated car wash products
  • Automotive specific car soaps and shampoos that are not corrosive. Most house hold cleaning products are corrosive to cars. Automotive specific products are PH neutral, which is best for washing cars so it does not damage the coating.
  • Dedicated car wash products are also free of wax, which makes it easier to clean your car.

  • Use a two bucket system!
  • This prevents swirls and marking in the clear coat or ceramic coating.
  • In this system one bucket is for washing and the other is for rinsing. If you need buckets and grit guards look on our shop!

  • Wash car from top to bottom!
  • Your vehicle should be washed from top to bottom one section at a time. This helps avoid cross contamination. Rinse your wash mitt regularly when cleaning any section, and before starting another section.
  • Along with top to bottom use different mitts and buckets to clean the wheels. Wheels are the dirtiest part of the car, they have break dust which contains small amounts of metal flakes

  • Do not Air Dry your car!
  • Air drying your car will create water spots which could stain your car. Instead you should use a clean microfiber towel to dry the surface.

  • Don't use an automated car wash!
  • Automated car washed that touch your car are a no-no. Those washes use brushes to clean your car. These brushes could damage your coating, in which will degrade it over time. If you have to go to a car wash go through a touchless one.

What happens if you don't maintain your Ceramic Coating?

  • Loss of shine
  • A car with a ceramic coating will shine brighter than a car without. Without proper maintenance the car will loss its shine and polished look.

  • Reduced Hydrophobicity
  • One of the best features about Ceramic Coating is how hydrophobic the coating is. This causes water, dirt, and mud to fall right off of the surface. Without maintenance it will cause the protection from contaminants and UV lights to degrade the ceramic coating over time and loss its hydrophobic attributes.

Ceramic Coated C8 Corvette in NC
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